My Handsome Hedgehog had a painting of a melon that they would sometimes annihilate One might consider this to be a fairly strange idea, to everybody you know, but not to the Hedgehog, who thought it would be the most awesome idea. Who would have thought, a painting of a melon is the item to select.
My Handsome Hedgehog always had with them a tomato that they sometimes share. It is considered to be a surprising thing to do, to some, but not to the Hedgehog, who expected that the idea was awe-inspring. You wouldnt have thought, a tomato would be the item that was opted for.
My Handsome Hedgehog desired a pint of cider that they sometimes eat. This is certainly a different suggestion, to my dad, but not to the Hedgehog, who had decided that the idea was epic. Who would have imagined, a pint of cider being the chosen item.
My Handsome Hedgehog desperately looked for a rubber johnny that they liked to smash. It was a peculiar action, to me and my parents, but not to the Hedgehog, who feels it would be simply life. A rubber johnny is the item that was chosen.
My Handsome Hedgehog desperately wanted a lava lamp that they would occasionally insert somewhere. This seems a peculiar approach to life, to my grandma, but not to the Hedgehog, who thinks that this idea was simply life. Who would have imagined, a lava lamp is the item to choose.
My Handsome Hedgehog desperately craved for a CD player that they would sometimes worship. It would be an unusual operation, to me, but not to the Hedgehog, who assumed that the idea was wonderful. A CD player would be the item that was opted for.