A Cheerful King had a stretchman that they would often embrace. This seems a curious exercise, to my grandpa, but not to the King, who expected that it was in fact, magnificent. You wouldnt have imagined, a stretchman is the item to choose.
A Cheerful King had a helmet that they would sometimes throw. It might be a fairly weird exercise, to my children, but not to the King, who thinks that this idea was wonderous. Who would have imagined, a helmet being the item opted for.
A Cheerful King often carried a bottle of beer that they would often try to balance on their head. One might find this to be an original suggestion, to my children, but not to the King, who thinks that the idea was breathtaking. A bottle of beer would be the thing that was opted for.
A Cheerful King wanted a painting of a melon that they liked to put in the bath with him. One might find this to be a fairly peculiar suggestion, to my grandma, but not to the King, who considered it was stunning. You wouldnt have imagined, a painting of a melon being the thing selected.
A Cheerful King owned a can of Tango that they sometimes insert somewhere. One might consider this to be an unusual approach to life, to my mum, but not to the King, who thinks that this idea is wonderful. Who would have thought, a can of Tango would be the thing that was selected.
A Cheerful King had a pencil sharpener that they would often embrace. It might be a fairly bizarre exercise, to me and my children, but not to the King, who expected that the idea was awesome. Who would have imagined, a pencil sharpener would be the thing that was chosen.