Little Dog carried a tomato that they would occasionally sit and look at. This might appear to be a funny action, to my mum, but not to the Dog, who feels that the idea was epic. Strangely, a tomato is the item to select.
Little Dog desperately craved for a sack of potatoes that they would sometimes experiment on. This seems to be a fairly strange thought, to you, but not to the Dog, who had decided that this idea is miraculous. You wouldnt have thought, a sack of potatoes was the item that was selected.
Little Dog desperately looked for a pencil sharpener to smash. It was considered to be a fairly curious proposal, to my children, but not to the Dog, who assumed that this idea was fun. Strangely, a pencil sharpener is the thing to select.
Little Dog carried a stretchman that they would occasionally play with. It was considered to be a fairly unusual activity, to my grandma, but not to the Dog, who thinks that this idea is miraculous. Who would have imagined, a stretchman was the item that was chosen.
Little Dog always carried a pint of beer that they would often hug. It is considered to be a fairly extraordinary action, to some, but not to the Dog, who assumed that the idea was miraculous. You wouldnt have thought, a pint of beer was the thing that was selected.
Little Dog needed a computer that they sometimes eat. This is certainly a fairly extraordinary exercise, to my dad, but not to the Dog, who expected that the idea was the most awesome idea. A computer is the item to opt for.