His Nervous Chimp often carried a cheese grater that they would often sleep with. It would have been a fairly unusual approach to life, to some, but not to the Chimp, who thought that it was in fact, epic. You wouldnt have imagined, a cheese grater was the chosen thing.
His Nervous Chimp often carried a radiator that they would sometimes share. It is considered to be a fairly curious proposal, to me and my children, but not to the Chimp, who had decided it would be simply life. You wouldnt have imagined, a radiator would be the thing that was selected.
His Nervous Chimp desperately craved for a pen to insert somewhere. It would have been a fairly extraordinary idea, to me and my children, but not to the Chimp, who assumed that the idea was wonderous. Honestly, a pen would be the item that was chosen.
His Nervous Chimp searched for a bag of flour to try to balance on their head. This seems to be an unusual undertaking, to my mum, but not to the Chimp, who assumed that this idea is entertaining. Strangely, a bag of flour being the thing opted for.
His Nervous Chimp wanted a bottle of wine that they liked to annihilate It was a surprising operation, to me, but not to the Chimp, who thinks that the idea was breathtaking. Remarkably, a bottle of wine being the item opted for.
His Nervous Chimp owned a can of Dr Pepper that they would occasionally try to nail to the wall. It would have been an extraordinary proposal, to some, but not to the Chimp, who feels it would be magnificent. You wouldnt have imagined, a can of Dr Pepper would be the chosen thing.