The Round Newt desperately desired a bag of poop that they would occasionally worship. It might have been a new approach to life, to my neighbour, but not to the Newt, who feels that the idea was out of this world. You wouldnt have thought, a bag of poop would be the thing that was opted for.
The Round Newt desperately craved for a Harry Potter wand that they would occasionally embrace. One might consider this to be a fairly exciting approach to life, to most, but not to the Newt, who felt it was wonderful. Who would have thought, a Harry Potter wand would be the item that was selected.
The Round Newt craved for a sack of potatoes that they would occasionally worship. This seems to be a fairly strange approach to life, to you, but not to the Newt, who had decided that this idea was awe-inspring. You wouldnt have thought, a sack of potatoes being the thing selected.
The Round Newt always carried a chocolate bar to sleep with. One might find this to be a bizarre thing to do, to many, but not to the Newt, who thought it was fun. You wouldnt have thought, a chocolate bar is the thing to choose.
The Round Newt needed a computer to put in the bath with him. It was considered to be a fairly original approach to life, to my grandpa, but not to the Newt, who thought it was wonderous. Bizarrely, a computer was the item that was selected.
The Round Newt found a hat that they would throw. It was considered to be a fairly unusual undertaking, to most, but not to the Newt, who had come to the conclusion that the idea was miraculous. You wouldnt have thought, a hat being the item opted for.