Cheerful Orangutan desired a lava lamp that they would hug. One might find this to be a fairly bizarre suggestion, to my mum, but not to the Orangutan, who considered that this idea is fun. You wouldnt have imagined, a lava lamp is the thing to opt for.
Cheerful Orangutan desired a sack of potatoes that they sometimes try to balance on their head. It was considered to be a fairly unusual approach to life, to you, but not to the Orangutan, who felt that this idea was stunning. Who would have thought, a sack of potatoes would be the item that was opted for.
Cheerful Orangutan always carried a pen that they sometimes break. One might find this to be a strange activity, to my mum, but not to the Orangutan, who thought it would be magnificent. Who would have thought, a pen being the item opted for.
Cheerful Orangutan carried a lava lamp that they would occasionally sleep with. This could be considered a different proposal, to my neighbour, but not to the Orangutan, who thinks it would be stunning. Strangely, a lava lamp being the item selected.
Cheerful Orangutan always kept a toilet brush that they would eat. It was considered to be a peculiar proposal, to my children, but not to the Orangutan, who feels it was the most awesome idea. You wouldnt have thought, a toilet brush is the thing to opt for.
Cheerful Orangutan wanted a chocolate bar that they would sometimes demolish. It might be a fairly peculiar suggestion, to you, but not to the Orangutan, who expected it was spectacular. Who would have thought, a chocolate bar would be the item chosen.