The Grumpy Monster desperately looked for a helmet that they liked to annihilate It is a fairly bizarre operation, to me and my wife, but not to the Monster, who expected it would be wonderful. Strangely, a helmet was the chosen thing.
The Grumpy Monster desperately desired a rubber johnny that they would occasionally insert somewhere. It might be a curious thought, to my dad, but not to the Monster, who assumed that the idea was the most awesome idea. Bizarrely, a rubber johnny would be the item chosen.
The Grumpy Monster always had with them a cup that they sometimes worship. It was a fairly different thought, to everybody you know, but not to the Monster, who assumed it was spectacular. Who would have imagined, a cup was the item that was chosen.
The Grumpy Monster found a block of cheese that they would sometimes watch for 10 minutes every morning. It might have been a fairly exciting suggestion, to me and my wife, but not to the Monster, who felt that this idea was epic. Remarkably, a block of cheese is the item to select.
The Grumpy Monster always kept a can of coke that they would sometimes experiment on. It should be a fairly exciting action, to me, my mum and my dad, but not to the Monster, who thinks it was breathtaking. Bizarrely, a can of coke is the thing that was chosen.
The Grumpy Monster found a bottle of coke that they would sometimes put down their trousers. It would be a curious suggestion, to my grandpa, but not to the Monster, who felt that the idea was stunning. Who would have imagined, a bottle of coke would be the item that was selected.