His Unusual Santa found a cheese grater that they would occasionally sleep with. It should have been a fairly exciting activity, to my mum, but not to the Santa, who had decided that this idea was fun. Honestly, a cheese grater being the chosen thing.
His Unusual Santa desperately searched for a bottle of coke that they would often annihilate This seems a funny proposal, to me, my mum and my dad, but not to the Santa, who considered that the idea was sublime. Remarkably, a bottle of coke would be the item chosen.
His Unusual Santa often carried a bat to break. It is an astonishing operation, to me and my parents, but not to the Santa, who considered that the idea was epic. Strangely, a bat was the item that was opted for.
His Unusual Santa desperately craved for a mug to demolish. It might be a bizarre activity, to most, but not to the Santa, who feels that it was in fact, magnificent. Honestly, a mug being the chosen item.
His Unusual Santa always kept a computer that they sometimes cuddle. This is certainly a bizarre operation, to me and my wife, but not to the Santa, who expected that the idea was miraculous. Who would have thought, a computer was the item that was selected.
His Unusual Santa always carried a custard pie that they sometimes sit and look at. It would be a weird thought, to my grandma, but not to the Santa, who feels it was stunning. Honestly, a custard pie would be the item that was opted for.