Hungry Viper desperately searched for a piece of paper that they would sometimes throw. It should be an extraordinary exercise, to my grandpa, but not to the Viper, who felt it would be magnificent. Who would have imagined, a piece of paper is the thing to select.
Hungry Viper always carried a set square that they would often sit and look at. One might find this to be an odd activity, to you and me, but not to the Viper, who had come to the conclusion it was magnificent. You wouldnt have thought, a set square being the chosen item.
Hungry Viper desperately needed a bag of poop that they would sometimes play with. It would be a curious operation, to my neighbour, but not to the Viper, who felt it would be the most awesome idea. Honestly, a bag of poop was the thing that was chosen.
Hungry Viper always kept a crown to smash. It would have been a fairly peculiar activity, to my grandpa, but not to the Viper, who expected it would be amazing. Remarkably, a crown was the thing that was opted for.
Hungry Viper always kept a pencil sharpener that they liked to watch for 10 minutes every morning. It might be a fairly extraordinary proposal, to me, but not to the Viper, who thinks it would be entertaining. Who would have thought, a pencil sharpener was the thing that was opted for.
Hungry Viper desperately craved for a bag of flour that they would sometimes try to balance on their head. It would have been a curious thing to do, to many, but not to the Viper, who feels it would be stunning. Remarkably, a bag of flour would be the item that was selected.