#Best Friend 2

in hive-151070 •  4 years ago 


It has been well said that horses are talented psychologists, they perceive all emotional responses of the human and know them better than humans themselves. Most importantly, they return the kindness. They give something that humans cannot always give – unconditional love and acceptance. That’s how I experienced friendship between the horse and the human being, which was inspiring for both of us.



Do you remember the stories about nomadic people who since ancient times had portrayed horses as their most loyal and faithful friends? They attributed them with various mythological and fabulous features and took them for sacred animals. Horse images are found on golden products dating back to the Scythian times, on numerous drawing carved on the rocks.



And what about these fantastic images of winged horses who represented the creatures of the Upper World? The legends say that they served humans and did only good to them through helping them out, giving hints and advice. They praised their owners to the skies, go deep down to the Lower World and save them from various misfortunes. The rider is “winged” thanks to the horse’s beauty, strength and grace. Bourbon makes me feel confident and inspired. And all horsemen keep saying: “There’s something in horses that melts our hearts”.



Apart from trainings, I spent a lion’s share of my free time with Bourbon far away from the city. It often happens at night, or when everyone who takes care of the stable is on vacation... He always greets me with his neigh, and I give him a hug... My faithful friend! That day was extremely hot, to be more specific, it was very stuffy. It had rained a couple of hours earlier, and it was so hard to breathe. To cool myself a bit, I took off my blouse... Ha-ha... Sometimes I can allow myself this prank, as there was no one on the farm...


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