Steemit Engagement Challenge - S3W4 / The Past Machine by @awais5

in hive-151446 •  3 years ago  (edited)

Virtual Greetings!

Steemian Buddies! I hope you all are good and doing very well. I am Awais Rasool from Pakistan. I am very pleased to write in this productive community for the very first time and I am also very eager to use this machine which is organized by @hive-151446 using this extremely amazing engagement challenge of this week.

The Past Machine!


My Design for Past Machine!

Humans are prone to mistakes. It is impossible that a person has not committed any error in his past life that he regrets. A person collects endless memories in his life, which become his permanent memory asset. If the amount of good memories in those is less and the bad memories are more, then life passes, but regret never leaves. Mistakes are made and they are mourned, but no mechanism has been invented to go back in time and correct that mistake. This is great that there is a machine that will take us back to our past so we can get rid of our regrets.

Where would you go? What year would you travel to? What would you change?

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WhatsApp Image 2022-08-09 at 12.05.32 AM.jpeg

Want to use The Time Machine to avoid this nightmare

I would like to use this time machine to go back to the Year 2021 when I was leaving my office duty in Renala Khurd and riding my bike towards Okara to meet my friend. I was also using a mobile phone while riding the motorcycle on the way. The motorcycle hit the pit because I had a mobile phone in one hand and one hand was on the bike due to which the bike lost balance and I fell. Due to this accident, I broke my right leg and I was hospitalized for 4 days and bedridden for 4 months. So I would like to use this time machine to go back in time and stop myself from using my mobile while bike riding at that time.

Followings are the losses during the recovery period!

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Due to this accident, I missed the participation and enjoyment of the following opportunities.

  • Badminton was at its peak in winter in our area but I stayed in my bed all that time and couldn't play.
  • Couldn't even attend my very close friend's wedding event.
  • I couldn't even sit in the final year papers of my law degree while I had to give papers lying down in the hall.
  • During this time, when I walked with the help of a cane and a walker, it was very difficult for me to feel pity for myself in the eyes of others.
  • The fear of never being able to walk well again was also ruining my peaceful sleep.

The Reason behind my choice of this particular incident!

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Naturally, I have an athlete's stature due to which I have been very involved in sports since childhood. Due to my outstanding performance in sports, I am highly respected in my own area. But due to this accident, I am still not able to run completely without fear and danger. Doctors say to stay away from sports until the artificial support that was put to connect your leg bone is re-operated and removed and still I have to wait for 2/3 months for the second operation But I still thank God that at least I can walk without any support. A small mistake caused me to have such a big accident and the regret of that mistake haunts me so much that I wish I had not used my mobile phone while riding my bike.


When life is in a routine, we don't even appreciate the blessings we get, but when life suddenly turns the table, we feel grateful for even the smallest blessings. One should try to be as careful as possible and not feel the need for such a time machine.

I am also going to invite my three friends @numanfarooq @numanbhutta and @adnanyasin for this amazing engagement challenge.



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Hello @awais5, what an unfortunate event that affected your life in various aspects. From your accident you were able to learn about the importance of not using phones while driving, and thank God, you are still alive and recovering.

Thanks for your kind attitude towards...

Nice way of presenting the things .. I hope you have learnt a lot from your past mistake best wishes for the contest

Learning is never ending process! Day by day getting something. Thanks for visiting here and wishing!

Lamento tu situación y que por falta de sentido común y precaución hayas tenido que pasar por toda esa situación que te ha afectado grandemente. Aunque no se pueda enmendar pero si sirve para no volverlo hacer.

Lessons taught in life are not quickly forgotten and their effects last and this is one of those lessons. Thanks for reading this

Impresionante, creo que mucho tenemos ese momento de imprudencia en nuestras vidas, la verdad no nos damos cuenta que un pequeño error puede traer muchas grandes consecuencias, pero es importante saber, que has aprendido algo de ellos y que aun tienen mucho futuro por delante, Gracias por Participar.

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If we learn from our mistakes they convert to lessons which never forgotten...

How unfortunate that you had that accident and that you have been suffering for so long and neglecting the activities that you liked to do.

We must be careful when driving and never entertain ourselves with the cell phone, to avoid tragedies.

God bless you friend.