Games that will help you develop your child's attention.

in hive-152200 •  5 years ago 

To develop a good memory in a child, you need to teach her how to memorize and study the material correctly, as well as simply develop memory and associative thinking. For this purpose, simple task games are suitable.


For example, play illogical associations with your child. To do this, ask several unrelated words (elephant, tent, bicycle, grandfather), and the child must make up a story in which these words will be used.

Some games to help you develop your child's attention:


- The exeption.

An adult will name, say, names of plants, the child must listen carefully, and as soon as an animal is named among the plants, he must quickly get up and name it.

- What was here?

This is a fun and easy activity! Just place various objects on the table, ask your little one to look at the objects carefully for a while. Then remove all the objects from the table and ask the child to remember everything that was there. You can also put the objects back on the table, leaving one or two outside so the little one has to figure out which object is no longer there!


Another tip is to arrange with your little one every night, before going to sleep, you talk and each one tells how his day was, remembering everything that happened. It is a good memory exercise.

- Mazes, look for the exit

Labyrinths are a challenging game for children, they can be adapted to each stage of development since there are different levels of complexity. The most important thing is that you encourage your child to find his way out, but without adding too much pressure. It is also essential that you choose the appropriate degree of difficulty because if it is too difficult it will only generate frustration.


- What has changed?

You need 5-6 children to play. A child is chosen, he "guides", "the driver" examines the children for 1 minute, then turns around or leaves the room. Some of the children change some clothes and the "child" when entering the game again must identify what has changed.

- Find the differences

Pictures, in which you need to find a certain number of differences, develop attention well.

Attention is one of the most important cognitive functions since it is at the base of memory and thought. If the child does not pay attention, she will not be able to memorize the contents and if she is not able to concentrate, she will not be able to solve problems either.


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