The High Cost of Shipping, and Other Annoyances!

in hive-152200 •  4 years ago 

Since we're so often stuck at home these days on account of the risk of Covid, it only follows that people turn to ordering more and more stuff online and have it shipped via the mail.

Earlier today, Mrs. Denmarkguy was redesigning the cage/home for her little finches, and decided it would be nice to have a different front for their space that would not only give them a bit more room, but would make it easier to clean.

Stormy day on the bay...

Seemed like things were actually working out quite perfectly as the happened upon a cage front that was 27" (69cm) wide and would fit exactly in the available space. Woo-hoo!

What's more, this piece was only about US $17... as compared to somewhere in excess of $80 for an entire new cage.

The gloom and annoyance settled over our little world when it turned out that this thing — which weighs only about 2lbs — would cost US $23 to ship to us!

In turn, this led us to a discussion over our afternoon coffee about the greater issue of how it increasingly feels like life "gets us," both coming and going.

Morning frost on the leaves...

You try to save a few dollars by shopping online, but you pay a small fortune for shipping. You try to be loyal to local stores, but it costs more than most things online. You do "well" at something in one place and you're rewarded with the proverbial kick-in-the-teeth somewhere else.

Which made me wonder whether the entire world's current predicament makes us all — both collectively and individually — feel like we're perpetually "down on our luck?"

In this case, Mrs. Denmarkguy's finches will have to do without their "cage improvement" for a few months more.

It just seems like it is becoming more and more difficult to get ahead, let alone stay ahead!

Thanks for reading, and have a great week!

How about YOU? Have you found yourself stopping in the middle of ordering something online because the shipping was MORE than the item? Does the cost of delivery/shipping bother you, these days? As always, comments, feedback and other interaction is invited and welcomed! Because — after all — SOCIAL content is about interacting, right? Leave a comment — share your experiences — be part of the conversation!

(All text and images by the author, unless otherwise credited. This is ORIGINAL CONTENT, created expressly for this platform — NOT A CROSSPOST!!!)
Created at 20201228 16:35 PST

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I would say it is the same for many of us. Money is hard to come by these days and especially harder to keep!

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