The raw banana that we eat as a curry is called kanchakala in our village language.
It's not worth much, but it has a lot of nutrients that can't be compared to money.
The work planted in my house began to bear fruit on the banana tree and some words in that light.
A year after planting the glass banana tree it starts to call and a tree bears fruit once. And Jericho we use as a vegetable.
And if you plant a tree, that is, a banana tree, you will see that after a while, a new tree will grow from the top of the banana tree. That is what those who say we do. And keeping a sapling with a tree is quite beneficial for the shimul tree. If more trees are kept then the strength of the mother tree decreases due to which its banana is less nutritious.
Hey, glassware is in a fairly good condition, then we can pick it up from the tree and cook it with various marine fish and small fish and eat it.
Many of the benefits of glass bananas are that it helps in the production of iron. And it goes without saying that banana plant fertilizer i.e. chemical fertilizer is not used as compared to other plants in general. And it is possible to make money by selling these bananas. Since there is no special cost, there is an opportunity to benefit financially.
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