애플, 4월 전반부에 리테일 스토어 다시 오픈하기 시작할 것.
- 벤처빗: 애플, 모든 스토어 한번에 다 다시 오픈하지 못하고 코로나19 확산이 심한 지역은 더 오랫동안 닫을 것
- 3월 14일 중국 외 전세계 스토어 닫아. 원래 3월 27일까지 닫는 것으로 예정했으나 후에 연장해
Apple today informed employees that it plans to reopen its Apple retail stores starting in the first half of April, according to Bloomberg. Retail stores will not all reopen at once and will likely remain closed longer in areas with more widespread outbreaks.
We will reopen our stores on a staggered basis. At this time, we anticipate some stores may be able to open in the first half of April depending on the conditions in their community. We will provide updates for each store as soon as specific dates are established.
Apple closed all of its stores outside of China on March 14, and at the time of the closure, said that retail locations would remain closed until March 27. That date was later extended with vague wording on the Apple Store website that said stores would be closed "until further notice."
Apple's retail chief Deirdre O'Brien apparently told employees today that remote work plans will be extended through at least April 5, but after that date, brick and mortar stores will be reopening on a staggered basis. Apple plans to reevaluate work from home arrangements on a weekly basis based on workers' locations.
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