ᔕᑕᗷ Week Chit-Chat (28/9 - 29/9)

in hive-152479 •  5 days ago  (edited)


I try to remember a prompt, I should say one prompt @freewritehouse provided but I can't. I only remember that the prompt for Monday is writing a story with 550 words and that's it.
The past week (weeks?) I've been extremely busy managing my time between real life and Steemit and I hoped by now I everything would be easier but instead we are facing Steemit server issues again. I say again because I remember the last time very well. It was that time the face of Steemit was lifted and indeed by now it looks way better although I still struggle with parts of the app I can't see. Will a new phone help? Sooner or later I will need one anyway since my phone is getting slow and with slow I mean slooooooow it's no longer fun. To avoid it gets frozen I installed Telegram on an old phone and it works well enough I even get a warning if there's a new message (not from everyone because I switched this option off).

The days became shorter and it feels a bit bitter that I spent most of the time inside. Though the sun shone today and I enthusiastically stepped outside to enjoy the sun it turned out to be bitter cold. So back inside I went to catch my winter coat and from that moment on my feet feel frozen. I boiled water for the hot water bottle to keep them warm but after hours they still feel the same.

Back to the past week.. I didn't not much in my agenda but I unpacked a part of the guesthouse and threw away oatmeal and flour. The oatmeal was the reason why larvae were crawling over the walls and ceiling. No, I didn't make my son happy as I used the vacuum cleaner but it's his fault. LOL

I have some more work to do inside the house so in a way it's no problem the sun disappears. It's still a mess but hey, the couches arrived and so far the only plus is the 10-year warrantee Ikea gives.

The last week(end) Chit Chat was 9 days ago but since access to Steemit's server is going on since last Friday it's a great excuse to be late. Just like I did last week I leave you with a music video.

A great week to all and relax!

Trust me this was a big hit in 1984


Reggae te gek he
Ik ging laatst op vakantie naar Jamaica met de rumboot van half tien
Het leek me leuk om daar eens rond te kijken
Want wie niet weg is die is daar gezien
Ja, de reggae is daar zeer in trek he
Je voelt je er echt te gek bij bovendien
Reggae, reggae te gek he, met die pijpekrullen in je nek he
Reggae, reggae te gek he, van je ras, ras, ras, rasta man
Drie kleine kleuters op een hek he, die zaten lekker in de zon
Een driewieler stond in een fietsenrek he
Je kon wel zien, 't was een occasion
En alle drie zijn bandjes waren lek he
Zodat het fietsje niet meer rijden kon
Ze rookten daar ook hele zware shag he
En aten rijst met kouseband
Maar ik at aldoor rumbonen met spek he
Tenslotte kom ik toch uit Nederland
Ik heb genoten van die kokosnoten
Ik had er meestal een in elke hand

English translation - google free

Reggae is awesome huh
I recently went on holiday to Jamaica with the rum boat of half past nine
I thought it would be fun to have a look around there
Because whoever hasn't left is seen there
Yes, reggae is very popular there huh
You really feel great there too
Reggae, reggae is awesome huh, with those curly hairs in your neck huh
Reggae, reggae is awesome huh, of your race, race, race, rasta man
Three little toddlers on a fence huh, they were sitting in the sun
A tricycle was in a bike rack huh
You could see, it was a used car
And all three of its tires were flat huh
So that the bike couldn't ride anymore
They also smoked very strong shag there huh
And ate rice with garter
But I always ate rum beans with bacon huh
After all, I'm from the Netherlands
I enjoyed those coconuts
I usually had one in each hand


Header: Canva
Pictures uploaded with: https://imgbb.com/upload
Songtext: https://genius.com/Arie-ribbens-reggae-te-gek-he-lyrics

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No Summer just rain that was what the past months looked like. I work nights so lif it comes to the seasons. The worst is the dropping temp and getting out. I found you a cat and a moth. Good thing you cleaned the place.

Thank you for the video that cat reminds me of a poodle. 🤔

I've got an idea @wakeupkitty

You guys could try an editing challenge. What do I mean? Everybody gets to work the same sample text and the contestants are free to rearrange, elaborate, correct, and so on. Then the best edits get rewarded.

If you feel like mixing things up you could even use one of your own texts, given how you said you wanted to write more yourself. Maybe the winner gets to pick the next sample, giving people an additional incentive in terms of showcasing their stuff while also obtaining some valuable feedback.

I thought about it and more as I read @sbamsoneu his text today and tried to explain how to cut 400+ words. Just not in a way to change his text, he could do that himself.

If it comes to #wewrite what we do has to fit to the application (and what went wrong). Commenting, titles and hashtags are the biggest problems, just like reading text.

Six weeks sound long but it is short especially if those who write fall back into old habits right after they finished a task.
This course can be followed by everyone but editing is a step if not two too far and just like script writing not for everyone.

We could do it as an out-of-the-box contest but it would be great if those who are absent right now would join too.

@jiva34 @saintkelvin @shahid76 do you like ro edit text?

#wewrite & #comment

Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.

I know something about busy weeks too.. 🤪
Finally comes my relaxing October.

Steemit occasionally has issues, and not all users are able to access it.
I solve this by using the Steempro app, and it’s never given me any problems.
Although I prefer to post from my computer instead of my phone. It’s less tiring for me—maybe my daughters are right when they call me 'ok boomer'.. 🥴

The weather is changing here too. It’s warm and sunny during the day, but the temperatures drop in the mornings and evenings. And the autumn rains are starting, with entire days that are dark and cloudy, raining non-stop.
Walking my dog in this weather becomes quite an adventure.
Just imagine that from the end of October, they’ll already start airing Christmas commercials here! A clear reminder that it will soon be time for Christmas shopping, leaving behind the carefree summer. 😲😁

It's rain, rain, rain soon mud rivers ☹️

I am busy cleaning up, a bit of gardening. If the rain stops I might pull some weed so the place looks more neat 🤐 though more weed might pop up.

I started commenting you too (?), a bit all over the place with #wewrite and working through the notifications. Being a curator feels like ages ago. I have fewer chats and more time. 😁

Walking the dog is not a problem but a wet dog is or does yours refuse to set a paw outside?

Christmas? How about Halloween? We have December 5th, St Nicholas so the coca-cola guy has to wait. It was never a big celebration and for sure the cheapest I have. Two days without stress, pyjamas, films and no cooking. No Christmas shopping is needed but we celebrate December 5th with presents.

What can possibly go wrong...🤣

🤣😂 The video is too funny. Of course it would be better if they found another means of transport instead of the horse. 🤔

Surely being a curator in 3 was less tiring, whereas you were a team of only 2 and I imagine it was heavier.
You practically did curation almost every day, as soon as the account was recharged.

My dog has already gone into sleep mode! If it's raining she doesn't want to go out at all and when I take her out she's very quick, time for her needs and we go straight back in.😂

We too have a couple of dates before Christmas. 1 November is the feast of Saints! But we have long celebrated Halloween, the kids love it.
The 8th is also a religious holiday, but everyone celebrates it and starts Christmas decorations that will last until 6 January.
Then, of course, everyone starts the decorations whenever they want. I like to respect the tradition because my mother passed it on to me and I like to carry it on as a family tradition.. but I don't know how much my daughters will follow it as adults.. 🥴😅

If it comes to tradition it is St Nicholas dec. 5th with us, 6th in Belgium and East European countries. Gifts for the poor, later they made a kind of "kids'celebration out of it but it isn't really). It was forbidden in the past and after a few years, they try to forbid it again same for Christmas since foreigners find it insulting. Interesting how Dutch people always have to give in on culture and whatever the few traditions left.

So stubborn as I am we keep celebrating and I save the entire year to buy presents (for the poor). For several years I also joined the Zonnebloem (Sunfower) and organisation where you make a surprise (present) for an Elderly (giving candles is not allowed).

Making a surprise (gift) is also part of December 5th so we craft on with the country and it's also a habit to do so at schools (2.5 years old on - mainly a job for moms). Since my family is artistic even the surprise present can take 6 months to make, we (me) gave a bit up on it since we not longer share the same household and it's not always possible to carry the presents (sculptors, paintings) along (don't ask... how big and heavy it can be), it would be better if we skip to books and films..

Christmas was always mainly a Christian celebration but celebration is a big word for what was mainly done. Visiting a cold church around midnight, begin stuffed like a sardine and no seat because suddenly everyone remembers he believes and the church is the place to be. The best Christmas I had was at primary school. Quiet a performance, music (own orchestra), singing and a teacher read a story (always good) well the lights were switched off and candles were burning in the entire school (no, not once there was a fire). Once that celebration was over there was a present for each child: A book! and an orange and what we call a "muskuskrans" (chocolate). I forgot to mention the hot chocolate and the cookie.

At home, we had a big tree, church and more food than I could digest (goose) and of course, visiting the grandparents so good for hours of being car sich and be bored (that book I finished within an hour).

Can be this year we mix both Saints since my son started university and he has to work the weekends, free days and holidays because the employer pays for his study (or the state?). We will see. Hot chocolate, whipped cream, and marzipan are good for both days just like spice tea and films.

Because Eastern is fought too, I celebrate that too If it comes to celebrations there are only a few in the Netherlands 2 days for Christmas, 2 for Eastern and the king's birthday (I skip that one since I don't know him and he isn't my type). Liberty Day and the rest are all wiped out. Working for Europe is the advice (at least for those with a job) and fun shouldn't be rewarded just like culture and nationality, that is if you are Dutch (my children tried to change theirs but they are not rich enough).

If it comes to curating..No way it's easier with 3. We all curated daily and monitored how we voted. Alone I would be done within at most 3 hours, sheet included with a team it is a completely different way of working, at least is was for us since we wanted to stick to our promise.

Your dog is smart, the cat of my son seems to hibernate as well but I believe he is sick again since he didn't eat or drink for 2 days in a row and seems to have a hard time with light again.

A great weekend to you!

#wewrite & #comment

It's a beautiful holiday on 5 December, it's right to celebrate the poorest through gifts.
In theory we do it at Christmas, because hypocritically at this time we Italians are all kinder and help the needy in our neighbourhood and then we forget about it for the whole year.

I think the Christmas season is nice when you have small children, because we parents try to make it special just for them.
Then the kids grow up and the magic wears off, but I still decorate the house🤭 and keep some Christmas atmosphere, because in the end what matters is finding/creating the opportunity to have a good time as a family, with lots of talk and also good traditional Christmas food.😜

P.S. Sorry to hear about your son's cat, I hope it's nothing serious.

Happy weekend to you too.

@sbamsoneu @jiya99 @drhira @kidi40 how do you feel today?