The phrasal verb for today are Cat Got Your Tongue

in hive-152587 •  4 years ago 

Cat Got Your Tongue
Meaning/Usage: Used when someone has nothing to say
Explanation: One explanation is that a long time ago, a witches cat would steal the tongue of a person to prevent them from telling others. However, this is only a tale and there are many guesses where this idiomatic phrase came from. Regardless, it is frequently used by someone who has the upper hand in a conversation. If a person cannot counter, or has nothing to say, then the other person can ask "don't you have anything to say?" or "Cat got your tongue?"
some exambels.
1-What's the matter? Cat got your tongue?
2-You're being awfully quiet, cat got your tongue?
3- She usually always has an opinion, cat must have gotten her tongue.
Comversation about phrasal verb Cat Got Your Tongue
A -What's the matter? You're usually full of advice. Cat got your tongue?
B-No I'm just keeping my opinions to myself.

Other Common Sentences
1-You have nothing to say?
2-Why are you so quiet?

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