The phrasal verb for today are What gives?

in hive-152587 •  4 years ago 

What gives?
Meaning/Usage: Used to ask what is the matter or what went wrong
Explanation: The only explanation I found was that this could have come from German borrowing. Germans used the phrase was gibt es? as What is the matter? or What's up? But to be honest. I am not sure about this. However, I do know that in English, it is commonly used to ask What is the matter?
some examples
1-It's not like you to get so upset, what gives?
2-I had no idea you were leaving? What gives?
3-Your mom said you stopped taking piano lessons. What gives?
Conversation about phrasal verb
A-I heard that you did not pass your test?
B-Yeah, it was harder than I thought.
A-You studied really hard for it though, what gives?
B-I guess I will just have to try harder next time.

Other Common Sentences
What's the problem?
What happened?


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