Hello friends, today we will learn about "O.K.?" What and where it originate from.
"O.K. word we simply understand that everything is correct. But there is a lot of speculation about when and where it originated, we will try to find out which one is right.
At first, we discussed a rumor that was spread by pilots during World War II. They used the term Zero Killed at the end of missions when there were no military casualties, but the reality is that O.K. was used long before that incident.
The first "Ol Korrect," "O.K." appeared in The Boston Morning Post on March 23, 1839. Is published with its initials. It was a mere misspelling of the word "all correct". But this misspelling steadily made way into the everyday speech of Americans.
Mainly it was published by some of the younger educated circles to misspell words intentionally on the 1830s. Then abbreviate them and use them as slang when talking to one another.
Right now in our country the some of teenagers have their own slang based on distortions of common words, such as “kewl” for “cool” or “DZ” for “these,” the “in crowd” of the 1830s had a whole host of slang terms they abbreviated. Popular abbreviations included “KY” for “No use” (“know yuse”), “KG” for “No go” (“Know go”), and “OW” for all right (“oll wright”).
Basically ''OK was propelled into the limelight when it was printed in the Boston Morning Post as part of a joke.
American linguist named Allen Walker Read an English professor at Columbia University & explained the mystery behind ''OK and also rejected lot of rumors about 'OK' like Army biscuit (Orrin Kendall) to the name of a Haitian port famed for its rum (Aux Cayes) to the signature of a Choctaw chief named Old Keokuk.
There's been a lot of controversy about OK, but that's the end of its no matter how many stories are written about OK, the truth is "oll korrect” (all right) which has been converted ‘’ all correct ’’. We have used ok as a response token to show that we understand, accept or agree.