Someone takes revenge by doing something good instead of bad

in hive-152587 •  4 years ago 

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"The man who saw your danger turned away, you stood by his danger ... There can be no greater revenge for that man than you !!
The man who has cheated on you, try as much as you can so that the man is not cheated by anyone else ... There is no greatness in cheating someone, but the greatness of being able to save someone from danger is much greater !!
Don't slander the man who slanders you to everyone, but hide his faults as much as you can ... One day that man will see your success and regret it ... Your success is revenge for him !!
Save the man who made you bloody, the man who left, even with your own blood ... who made you small and ashamed of everyone, save you from being ashamed of everyone in the danger of that man !!
The friend in the class who doesn't talk to you but is jealous of you, if you get the chance, help that friend a little bit when you get tested ... You cover up the guilt of the person who is always looking for your fault !!
It is not always the case that you have to take revenge by doing such deeds ... that if you do the same with him then there is no difference between the two ... but sometimes you can take great revenge by doing good as opposed to bad !!
The revenge that can be taken by slapping instead of slapping or cheating instead of cheating or cheating instead of cheating does not last long ... at one time both of them forget ... but if someone takes revenge by doing something good instead of bad, that is great revenge ... Remember forever !! ":)

✍️ Alvin Wales


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Some nice life lessons being suggested there. It takes the bigger man to live his life in this way. It is not an easy thing to do, but the man/woman will be better off for it, as well as the world around them.

Its an interesting fact thanx