hello everyone how are you.I hope you are all well and doing well.I am here to tell you about the role of social media in our life in modren days.social media creates a great rovolution in our lives but also have some negitive impects also in our lives
socil media is web based platform which helps us to share ideas,thoughts and information among the comunities.it give us quick electronic comunication of contents like articles,news,images ,videos etc.a person can access social media through computer,tablet or andiried phone.using of socail media is very powerful way of communication among the people and it has ability to conect anyone in the world.social media has both advantages and disadvantages.
- it is a good tool for education,all the information anyone requires ,it just a click away.students can educate themselves on various topics by using socail media.
- social media palatform helps students to research on diffirent topics and also provide palatform to work in groups
- with the help of social media the knowledge and awareness level increased of the people.we can know and understand the of any part in this world.
- the econmy has touch the new hieghts with the introduction of social media.the new e comernce is on the rise.it has great economic benifits
- social media is helping the people to access new job opportunities and many local business orginizations recuits their emloyees though social media palatform.
- the earlier times,it was quite easy to suppress the rights of people by suppressing thier voices,now a day with help of social media poeple can stand against the injustice.people can raice the voice against the in justice by using social media.
- insecurity and lack lack of privacy protection are the main disadvantages of social media.with social media everything public on social platforms,the parivacy of peole could go mani pulated for negitive uses.
- the excessive ouse of internet has created a lot of problems especially for youth,the problems like youth is,isolation,individualism,and lack of interest in individual life etc are the mosy woring problems of social media.
- many children have become victimis of cyberbullying due to which they have suffered a lot.
- now a days youth has learnt to make cheating in exams through social media instead of learning and studying,youth is dependedon social media as a medium to copy in exams.
- excessive use of can effect your physical and mental healthin a bif way,often peole experience lazyness,fat,eye irritation,loss of vission and stress etc often its excessive use.
in conclusion we say that social media have both advantages and disadvantages .it depends on us how we use it.it is the most powerful tool today,it has revoltionlized our lives.therefore its power shoud b used wisely and especially for development progress and properity of our lives today.