'FOREVER YOUNG' IS A FALACY; PRESENTED BY@capachinosteemCreated with Sketch.

in hive-152587 •  3 years ago 
As beautiful as life can be;it doesn't last forever! As great and powerful a man can become; he can't live forever! As fearful the thought of dealth can be; man surely has an end! As precious as heaven can be; no one wants to die! As much as we look so young today; there is no assurance of that tomorrow! As much as we don't want to die; every man has an expiry date! Just like we all have our 'birthdays', there is a 'dealth-day' for everyone.


Mankind have an inborn desire that longs for Immortality, but death has given the assurance that no one will live forever. The fear of Dealth and the desire to live forever has made the world interesting; every man want to get all they can in life before their Eternity comes, while some persons wants to get all they can in life as long as they live.
Many times some men have challenged themselves in seeking for informations on how they can cheat dealth; some have engaged themselves on drugs, some on occultic ceremonies, some on ungodly sacrifices, some in prayers.


Our modern world with its sophisticated gadgets and facilities has made the world so enjoyable that everyone wants to live forever. The hunger to acquire all that they world offers us has made most people to believe the lie that they will live on earth forever. We are always busy seeking to satisfy our souls without the realization that all that is in life is just for a while.

The painful truth about life is that we don't have much time to enjoy most things we labour for.


The desire to live as long as we want is not the choice we can make on our own.
What is in the world that many persons don't want to let go?
What is in the world that everyone wants to live forever?
What is about dealth that no one wants to die?
The aged wants to live more and the young ones wants to stay young forever. Our old folks now complain that life is too short, while young ones wish that their time be long.

"Forever young" is falacy, even the first man, Adam, didn't live forever. It is impossible for man to be immortal here on earth, even the oldest man, Methuselah, met his end.
Every man wants to go to Heaven, even Atheist too, but not everyone wants to Die!
Every man wants to enjoy life more than they want to enjoy heaven!
To some person life has given them enough that they want to remain on earth forever.
To some person they prefer to dying young with riches than dying with nothing.
Men have traded their life on the lie that they will live forever.
I have discover that the biggest fear of a Man is not the fear of Hell, but the fear of Dealth. For this reason people try to be so careful with life that they don't want to Die.


How men live their life doesn't matter to them anymore, what matters to them most is how long the live.

Everyone is doing what the can to stay alive. Life is now more like a warfare; even the weak ones are struggling to survive in any way and with any means possible. What matters most to Men is to Live!
When it comes to Life, people can do anything! Be it evil, corruption, Immorality, stealing, killing, kidnapping, anything at all. Life now matters most to men than the Giver of Life.


Thank God for Dealth! I wonder what the world will become without it!
Dealth is Real! Every Human being have an expected end. The time of our Dealth may not be the time we predict.
One day your heart will stop beating, and that will be the end of your days on earth, but its not the end of yuh.

Forever Young is a Lie!
Life is short; keep living!
Eternity is longer; be prepared!

Life on earth is just a preparation for the next, and we will spend more time on the other side of dealth.

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