Osteology or skeleton is the most important organ or bone structure of the human body, which protects or acts as a security for all the organs of the body including the movement of moving and moving energy throughout the body.
Somewhere in osteology, there is a cartilage connection with these bones. The muscles are attached to these bones to move and move. One bone is connected to the other by a joint, without which the muscles would not be able to move.
Axial skeleton: -
Osteology The bones of the head, face and trunk of the human body are collectively called axial skeleton.
The bones in the axial skeleton are-
(1) Skull bones
(2) Vertebral column
(3) Chest bones or ribs or Throx or sternum and ribs
(4) Hyoid bone
The bones of the hands and feet-
The bones of hands
(1) The trigeminal or scapula
(2) Clavicle
(3) Arm bone or Humerus
(4) The two bones of the cell or Radius and Ulna
(5) Carpal bone
(6) Metacarpal bone
(6) Finger bones or phalanges.
The bones of leg-
(1) The pelvis
(2) femur
(3) Two bones of the foot or Tibia and Fibula
(4) Tarsal bones
(5) Metatarsal bones or metatarsal bines