What if am not normal?
What if my scars are too deep?
What if...?
What if i was right?
And you were wrong?
What if i was damaged?
And couldn't be fixed...
What if the darkness behind my smile was real?
What if i was powerless to stop it?
But it doesn't hurt...
What if i was really stronger than you? yet you still hurt me....
What if i was lost?
Lost in the circle of Oblivion...
Drifting in the mirage of a lost soul.....
The end always leads to the beginning....
Lost in Chaos.... Always chaos!
What if i never stumble back home?
What if i keep plunging deeper into the darkness?
Overwhelming abyss...
What if am lost forever? A Stray...
What if in my haze of conciousness i find doom?
Grinning in the darkness...
It's welcoming bossom....
What if i find comfort in the deep?
What if...
What if am really different? Damaged!
What if there's a storm raging in my head?
A fierce tornado in my heart...
Even with the calm on my face....
What if my mind was a journey?
A traveller....
A wanderer...
What if my nightmares were real?
What if they cannot be tamed?
How can a storm find peace?
A storm is a storm! Tormentor!!
What if my war was lost from the beginning?
War with the mind...
What if in the dark deep, my voice screamed?
A silent scream...
What if I can't be heard?
What if the horrors were too great?
And my soul too weak...
To weak to win...
What if the legions overtake my soul?
What if i lost the war?
What if amdst the chaos i couldn't find peace?
What if in the depth i couldn't walk straight?
Blinded by the darkness, i couldn't see the path....
The path back home...
What if i was alone?
A prey to the tormenter...
Haunted... Haunted...
What if i wasn't lonely?
What if peace was been tormented too?
And mocked...
What if...
What if chaos was my companion?
A traveller too...
In search of peace... Peace the tormented!
What if this dark barren wasteland was almighty?
What if my soul was lost?
What if i was exhausted?
Scared of eternal damnation...
Casted away
What if time stood still?
What if time was running out?
Immersed in the darkness...
One with the darkness...