Source: pixabay.com

From this point of view it is about the awakening of your conscious being, to assume those things that in most cases make us uncomfortable. The awakening of your full consciousness will allow you to take the reins of your life from that which bothers you, turns out to be a problem or stressful situation in your life, sowing in you the idea that you can change everything starting from the conscious acceptance of the root or origin of that which is causing you harm.

Source: pixabay.com

To connect with reality and assume our life with its good and bad things is to be reborn from the full awareness that those elements that exist and cause us discomfort instead of avoiding them and accumulating negative things in our inner being must be faced, it is about looking straight ahead and accept the things that come, change those that we can change, improve those that can be improved and let go, that is to say, let go of those that do not do us good. We are so used to closing our life that we miss (many times because of our beliefs and fears) to enjoy new things that come to us for fear of leaving our comfort zone, this brings with it doubts about whether what we let go might have been better for our life.

Source: pixabay.com

This openness implies assuming that there are things that will come into our life which may bring difficult and painful moments but that these are also part of learning and especially the value of the present. So let's prepare our life to be guided by our full consciousness.