The social perception

in hive-152587 •  3 years ago 
It is important to be careful with social perception and especially with inferring things about other people without knowing the reality of each person. Thinking about what a person is without knowing him or her can lead to a wrong attitude on our part where we may be taking for granted a behavior that does not exist. How many times have we said to ourselves, hey but I thought you were not like that and you ask how different from how I imagined you. And that serves both positively and negatively, hence acting with coherence is a law of life basic thought, words and deeds and in the end it will be the actions that will account for who we are.



The social perception sometimes leads us to an error because we judge others according to our own life and I insist we are not all the same, each person is in their own personal battle and ours do not allow us to judge what they do objectively, even we ourselves believe ourselves with the power to judge when in fact we have come to understand, to be empathetic to understand and establish healthy relationships where no one is better than anyone else.



To achieve a balanced life it is necessary to create spaces for the encounter where our social perception is only a step to give rise to new relationships, in this case we must focus our experience to see in people what they are in reality and that they add to our life. In particular when I discover that a person is not adding to my life and instead is subtracting I end the relationship because in reality being alone is not bad when we are with people who hurt us, we all deserve the best and that is only achieved when we meet people who are in the same tune with us and we manage to establish healthy and positive relationships.


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Спасибо большое за комментарий и да, конечно, во многих случаях мы судим и думаем о других людях то, что не соответствует действительности, каждый раз, когда я встречаю кого-то, я стараюсь не увлекаться внешностью и пытаюсь узнать ее как можно больше, чтобы понять, подходит она мне или нет. Спасибо, что поделились