It was calm, swift, cool,
How could we have known it was but for a moment?
Our hearts merry and mild,
Then it came and shattered our smiles,
So many questions as to why it came,
Pondering, and sighing here and there,
Yet none could answer the prevailing question,
So we kept asking, asking, asking,
In search of answers,
Little did we know?
That finding answers wasn’t the solution,
But moving on from the storm,
Looking forward to better days,
A constant life issue,
Always coming without permission,
It invades our lives,
Yet we coming back for more,
Like a soldier we prepare for storms beforehand,
We give our best, hoping for the best,
We stand still yet,
Maybe this is how we treat the storms,
‘Prepare before it comes to us’
A happier man then we will be.