Steem Schools
This is new day and always up and coming community
Many good things came up from this community.
SteemPay is one the innovative steps taken from this community. What is mission vision behind it.
SteemPay initiative is to become Pay Pal as the Steem world's largest mobile payment platform for steem coin.As of April 17 th, 2021, the number of steemPay users will project reach of 1 million users in the first year..
It is projected to become the world's number one mobile Steem payment service organization and the second largest payment service organization in the network. According to the statistics crypto payment system is becoming one of the third-party payment market in USA and Asia , and it continues to grow.
Welcome to SteemPay initiative
Phase One -crowdfunding startup
Phase Two -onboarding
Phase three -signing company and entities that can accept STEEM payment
Phase -bonus and incentives
Project originated by @flysky
We welcome all to SteemPay initiative so you can reserve your spot in history of Steem evolution
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