Photograph of Praniket Desai. Taken from his profile on Unsplash.
Both focus their will on the brow; the novice perceives the moment of her supreme initiation near, the priestess clings with superhuman strength to that being because she is also the vehicle for her own transcendence; they hold, defend themselves, draw symbols with their hands and dance in a frenzy
while the sacred penetration fuses the earth with the sky. It is the last inspiration, the climax has arrived for both of them, the semen is retained towards the inside of the novice, she radiates her energy towards the universe and, in her entrails, both awaken to the liquid fire that, meandering, ascends to its lambdoid suture, at the top of their skulls, the final crowning of that energy. They look inward and meet their divine self.
Nothing like a transcendent orgasm to stop time; so be it for a few moments we surpass the bonds of the eternal clock and we caress the divinity.
This is how powerful sacred sex is! Amid a landscape of date palms, stand the eight sacred entrances of Khajuraho, a space full of erotic temples, and located in the state of Madhya Pradesh in India. It is worth mentioning because the real traveler, that seeker of truth, will not be able to deny that India was the philosophical center where the flowering of sacred sex, the mysterious paths of tantrism and kaula tantra, were appreciated with greater clarity. . Hundreds of erotic scenes populate the walls of these thousand-year-old constructions, an ancient town fascinated by the power of its sexuality, beautiful works of art, thousands of tourists, a lot of heat, few responses from the mouths of external agents. Again ... the answer comes from within the very being.
The photo with which this article is greeted is that: an erotic work of art whose symbolism can only be accessed by those who dare to place the key in the lock of this universe known as sacred sex.
The following lines are not a manual of sexology, nor an atlas of pornography, they are only messages that, from mysticism through psychology and cognitive neuroscience, will allow us to raise awareness about the importance not only of a healthy sexuality, but also about the need to sacralize our life practices; among them: that of sex.
Sexuality goes beyond the mundane and enters the divine; a wonderful way to free the spirit, sadly misrepresented and deformed by the common mind, society and its decadent practices, which have transformed the practice of sexuality into a can of energy waste and turned into a set of insulting words to the blessed generative organs. Sex has been filled with lust, it has been filled with the mind, emptied of spirituality, it has become a distorted space where some physical attraction joins with pain, joins suffering, attachment, jealousy and a misrepresented sense of ownership or dominance over the other person, misnamed partner. Currently, sexuality is also full of repressive charges, resentments and fears, the "Sexual Being" has been desecrated by a material and morbid niche. It can be admitted that modernity and postmodernity have tried to kill sex and, in many respects, have succeeded because Men and women indulge in unconnected sexual debauchery, without perceiving a true bond, they embark on an odyssey of animal pleasure whose only product is an instant of empty orgasms or debilitating ejaculations. They have sex to have it and not as a tool for spiritual liberation. They find partners only because of carnal attraction and not because of a transcendent connection. Sexual liberation has been deformed to be compared to a promiscuous debauchery that ends up filling the heart with a dark and gloomy void whose dire effects end up producing mental alterations that range from self-conscious denial to emotional dependence.
A society that ignores or denies the true meaning of sexuality feeds the false morality of its system to lead to sex devoid of real pleasure, charging with the qualification of sin everything that opposes certain dogmas and, on the other hand, the pathological and deranged debauchery that destroys the beauty and artistry of sex. First point to lose the regulatory center of the mind: follow only the dictates of instincts and emotions. Now, groups and subcultures wander through these strange temporary paths, satiating their lowest aberrations and disorders, proclaiming the eternal war between the feminine against the masculine and vice versa, a terrible mistake !, which only deepens the current social madness and the conflicts of self-identification, so common today. An answer for these groups: sacred feminine and sacred masculine are polarities capable of leading the being towards spiritual liberation and transcendence; therefore they must walk together and not at odds.
Many try to define what love is or represents and really becomes impossible to define because it is a true philosophical problem. Love is a concept so complex and infinite that time is lost trying to understand it and, worse, trying to find it in this material world. Many sickly trying to reach the perfect love, his eternal love, his precise partner, the supreme relationship, pitifully, the first step to open his eyes is to admit something hard, but true: perfect love, divine love is not possible to find it in the material world; His perfection is so great that it does not fit in any person of flesh and blood; It is then only possible to find it through the spiritual experience. And this is not an apocalyptic thought (although it is very little romantic), it is only a suggestion of detachment. Not with this, it means that your partner is not adequate, nor that your relationships are all destined for failure, it is not mentioned that a parent or mother can not love their children beautifully, it simply affirms categorically that those love samples , For lasting or beautiful that Sean do not represent the perfect love, have ups and downs, they have faults, which are overcoming but the perfect love will never be achieved in this life, because that perfect love is a concept, a conceptual category. Unfortunately many people are excited to madness with their telenovela love complying with the second cause to produce instability in the regulatory center of the mind: being iluso.
Others on the other hand, they are charged with excessive reasoning to the process of love and sexuality, everything think too much. For these people, these phrases are unimportant, because they prefer a yield sex, a sexuality marked on their agenda as an obligation to fulfill or calendarized, something that can be measured; They reason from the luminosity of the place, the molecular structure of the condom, the duration of the act and even the necessary penetrations. Definitely a computer feels more pleasure when you finish defragmenting your hard drive than any of these calculating minds. Surely, in this group you can find those workers without time to eat, nor to sleep, or for their children, consumers of benzodicepines or antidepressants or obsessed with some high-performance activity. They comply with the third cause to produce instability of the Mind Regulatory Center: excess ego, excess reasoning, excess of mind. And what does life allow us as a way of approach to love? Well, it presents us with sacred sexuality. That set of practices that allow achieving transcendent states and whose sacred essence and dance - subtle or savage - allows to approach the doors of supreme love, of that perfect love quasi so sought after day to day. To start this practice, it should be recognized what level has been achieved and, in that way, to try to access the next phase.
The lack of consideration about the sacredness that sexuality and its magical practices represent, is part of the social degeneration experienced in current times. Repressed sex and other varieties of blockages lead the human being and the entire social group to massive schizophrenia, terribly pathological. It is not a coincidence that the most socially developed peoples are the ones that practice the greatest sexual freedom and are also the possessors of the lowest rates related to sexual crimes. Sexuality (analyzed by each of its edges) then, becomes a measure of social well-being. And it is that sex allows to reach more advanced phases within the complex process of psychic individuation, so necessary for each person to recognize himself as such. It is already mentioned by wise mystics or professional psychologists like Jung; both mention the Mysterium tremendum, that almost religious sexual experience charged with the "fear and ardor" of the discovery of unexpected and unsuspected phases of one's sexuality, it is like a set of sexual phases through which the man recognizes himself in the sacred body of the woman respecting it as if it were a divinity and the woman recognizes herself in the sacred body of man honoring it as if it were a deity: the sacred masculine fused with the sacred feminine, in a dance of transcendence; male and female recognizing their own divinity. And it is through the maturation of sexuality that this process of self-recognition can be achieved. Unfortunately, this self-recognition of the human acts through the use of sex is, for most, in an initial phase.
The first phase to arrive at the archetype of the "Self" is to recognize and practice an instinctive and biological sexuality: because I have desire or because I want to have offspring. But if this very basic phase is not crossed and his desire is reduced only to that, the "Self" will also be confined in a prison; they will live a cold and insipid life, compensating sexual dissatisfaction with other practices (often obsessive, fanatic or with vices). This first phase is one in which no one should get stuck. Then you must go through the second phase, swimming in seas of complex emotions, the second phase is a romantic and aesthetic level that produces of intense sexual charge. A sexuality based on physical and emotional attraction to someone. Yes, it is worth falling in love to enjoy that new level.
Unfortunately, attachments usually occur in this phase and most are blocked at this level. They are tied to toxic relationships, but full of emotional dependence and their eyes go blind when they do not see beyond those relationships. Whoever succumbs here will have a life full of anger, resentment, betrayal, and low self-esteem.
That is when the spiritual eyes of some will open and they will go to the next phase, recognizing attachment as a great enemy and even if it costs them to get out of their comfortable zone, they will do so to find rebirth in their relationship - or in a new one - and they will achieve the wonderful alchemy by finding themselves in the eyes of their partner. There the attachment will lose value, because even with distance they will profess a devotion of a spiritual level loaded with deep loyalty, they will feel that they are for each other and even if it is not all perfect they will feel complemented.
Sex will become a magical game full of new experiences and unsuspected pleasures and meditation will begin to merge with sexuality. Already reaching this level is a success, however, a fourth level is missing.
The fourth and final phase transcends to the holy, pure and divine. Now without attachments, with full trust between them, with loyalty, both members of the couple seek transcendence together, spirituality is transformed into a common language and thus they transmit it to their peers and to their children, if they have them. In this phase, sexuality is sought as one who seeks a superior being; Each orgasm will serve to investigate the confines of being and the cosmos, the vibrations derived from them are indescribable. Advanced truths are already discerned at this level.
The above is the so-called Mysterium tremendum, professed by the ancients and already mentioned above. Those wise men of past times called that tremendous fear present this way every time one of those phases is crossed. A fear that prevents the leap to another level of liberation. Only by overcoming that barrier will new levels be reached.
The ancient ascetics said: look for cold love and do not depend on warm love; do not lock your lover in a cage, even if it is made of gold; that sex lives in you and that you do not live from sex.
Through sexuality a life begins, therefore both the sexual and the vital force originate in the same universal sacred point.
Do not generate attachments or emotional dependencies. Enjoy sex freely, but remember: the limit of freedom is the measure of your responsibility.
If you are looking for transcendent love, look at sexuality as something sacred, in this way you will begin to feel a deep respect for sex, for your body and for the body of others.
Do not see orgasm as a goal, it is just a path to something greater.
Meditate more and more, meditate with your partner, meditate during sex, meditate during orgasm. Dance with your nakedness, know everything that this body can offer you.
Do not be afraid of the upcoming sensations, find yourself in them.
Never downplay sexual dissatisfaction. Cultivate your body, cultivate your mind, free your spirit.