I share one of my favorite poems, in English the poem loses a lot, for example, you do not enjoy the richness of images that it recreates in the imagination, nor the rhyme, among other aspects, but I hope you like it. I am Latin American, I like poetry from my region of America.
Thanks to literature I liked engineering, it is strange, when I asked my colleagues they told me that they came to engineering because of mathematics and when they heard that I got to engineering they used to laugh and it is that life is beautiful and I believe that the best way to help is by creating solutions, I am a programmer with the soul of a poem.
The day you shall love me will bear more light than June,
the night you shall love me– full-mooned,
a tale left untold within each ray,
the day you shall love me will bear more roses than May.
The day you shall love me, waterfalls will shine,
gushing along the hillsides, crystalline.
The day you shall love me, shy thickets will echo,
hushed harmonies– a myriad of arpeggios,
and your eyes, ablaze with springtime glee,
will shine with grateful ecstasy,
for all the things that have been and shall be,
Oh, the day you shall love me!
The day you shall love me, the hills -abloom,
shall scatter my love with their sweet perfume.
The day you shall love me, a plenitude of daisies
stretched out along meadows and prairies,
shall bow before you in gentle reverence
singing out gaily their pure innocence.
The day you shall love me, burthened clovers shall lift their gaze,
to brighter skies and brighter days
and at the first blush of dawn,
amidst the idle ponds, their petals drawn
shall flourish lotuses, in all their majesty,
Oh the day you shall love me…
The day you shall love me,my love shall shake the heaven on high,
painting red, the impassioned sky.
And after the natural world has sung its praise,
through lyres or other lavish displays,
we shall seal with a kiss this celestial beauty,
Oh, the day you shall love me!
Amado Nervo.
Here is the original form of the poem in his native language, the Spanish language:
El día que me quieras tendrá más luz que junio;
la noche que me quieras será de plenilunio,
con notas de Beethoven vibrando en cada rayo
sus inefables cosas,
y habrá juntas más rosas
que en todo el mes de mayo.
Las fuentes cristalinas
irán por las laderas
saltando cristalinas
el día que me quieras.
El día que me quieras, los sotos escondidos
resonarán arpegios nunca jamás oídos.
Éxtasis de tus ojos, todas las primaveras
que hubo y habrá en el mundo serán cuando me quieras.
Cogidas de la mano cual rubias hermanitas,
luciendo golas cándidas, irán las margaritas
por montes y praderas,
delante de tus pasos, el día que me quieras…
Y si deshojas una, te dirá su inocente
postrer pétalo blanco: ¡Apasionadamente!
Al reventar el alba del día que me quieras,
tendrán todos los tréboles cuatro hojas agoreras,
y en el estanque, nido de gérmenes ignotos,
florecerán las místicas corolas de los lotos.
El día que me quieras será cada celaje
ala maravillosa; cada arrebol, miraje
de “Las Mil y una Noches”; cada brisa un cantar,
cada árbol una lira, cada monte un altar.
El día que me quieras, para nosotros dos
cabrá en un solo beso la beatitud de Dios.
Amado Nervo.
A photograph taken of Nicolas Messifet's Unplash profile.