The symbol is a relation of analogical correspondence between 2 different orders of the universal manifestation. In this sense, many great geniuses around the world such as Maimonides, Ibn Arabí, Isaac Newton or Nikola Tesla himself, implicitly or explicitly, have suggested that it can become the means to come into contact with intelligences of a higher order.
The nature of the symbol is not only visual or figurative. Symbols can also be auditory and musical. Thus, in the Aryan or Vedic tradition, this type of musical symbol was called "mantra". Oswald Spengler, said that the Western civilization, which he described as "Faustian", and whose main tendencies, and intertwined, he recognized, were the continuous exploration and conquest, both in science and in space, is a musical civilization . So it is a well-known fact that Western musical art has no comparison with any other civilization on Earth. So it could be said that, in a way, the most appropriate way for a true child of the West to connect with the divine and the preternatural is through music.
Photographs taken from the website Unsplash.