One of the Truest Signs of Maturity: The Art of Respectful Disagreement

in hive-152587 •  8 months ago 

Have you ever been in the middle of a hot argument, sweating profusely and with a beating heart, only to realize that you have no idea why you're fighting so strongly? The joys of interacting with other people! Times like these really test how mature we are. I'm not talking about being able to grow a fancy beard or do your taxes like a pro. The art of disagreeing with someone in a way that doesn't make things worse. In the world of social skills, that sounds like a horse, doesn't it? That being said, trust me, it's more doable than making perfect sourdough bread (and we all remember how that went during the shutdown).

Let's face it: arguments are as likely to happen as liking someone's 2013 photo by accident while you're following them on social media. Not fun, but it has to happen. What matters is how we deal with these differences. In this way, being mature doesn't mean always being right or having the last word. It means realizing that it's okay for two people to have very different ideas about the same thing.

Ask yourself: When was the last time someone yelled their point of view at you and made you change your mind? I don't remember either. It most likely made you dig your feet in even more. That's because being polite is more than just whispering, though that does help. It means paying attention, understanding, and taking into account the other person's point of view, even if you don't agree with it.

Let's add some science to the mix now. Studies on the mind say that our brains are hardwired to stick to our guns, especially when we are angry. This effect, called the "backfire effect," shows that when our strongest beliefs are tested, we tend to stand firm rather than give up. Respectful debate is such a sign of growth because it goes against our nature and requires self-control, sensitivity, and a real desire to understand.

How then do we practice this great art? First, pay attention. Really pay attention. Not only waiting for your turn to talk, but also trying to figure out "why" they think the way they do. Make sure you understand, ask questions, and don't take it personally. It's not about winning; it's about getting better.

Have you seen the joke that said, "Why can't we all just get along?" You know what? We might not always get along, but when we do, we can still be polite and respectful. After all, what makes the world so interesting is the variety of ideas and thoughts that people have. Accepting this can make our relationships better and help us see things from different points of view.

Finally, the next time you get into a fight with someone, pull in a big breath and act like an adult. We are not trying to prove a point; we are trying to show that we can argue without being rude. Isn't that what being mature is all about?

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