Cultivation, Benefits, and Potential of the Areca Fruit Market
Chewing betel and betel nut is a tradition, which has been attached to customs or rituals for thousands of years, in South Asia to the Pacific.
2 years ago
2 years ago
Areca tree
The areca tree in English is known as the Betel palm or Betel nut tree, which has the Latin name Areca catechu. The areca tree is included in the Areceae family group in the Arecales order and the monocotyle class, or is included in the one-winged plant.
The areca tree is a tropical plant that is more sensitive when compared to other tropical plants. The areca tree plant is very easy to dry. For maximum growth, areca trees should be planted in loam / clay soil with adequate irrigation.
Areca Cultivation
Areca trees can grow well with maximum production if they grow on land with an altitude of 0-1,000 meters above sea level (masl), with an ideal location at an altitude of 600 masl. In addition, betel nuts should be planted in loose soil with rainfall between 750-4,500 millimeters per year. A good humidity temperature for areca trees is between 20 degrees Celsius to 30 degrees Celsius. Areca nuts also need to get enough sunlight, ranging from six to eight hours per day.
Cultivating betel nut is almost the same as cultivating coconut. Like coconuts, areca cultivation also comes from fruit. The criteria for fruit that can be used as seeds must be old and in good condition.
How to sow the fruit is simply put in a plastic bag or poly bag. The seeding time should take 18 to 30 months. At that time, the seedlings had grown with five to seven leaves and could be planted.
If planted in a plantation area where there are still a lot of wild boar, this plant must really be maintained. At least, as long as the areca nut plants are in the first three months since planting.
Once the stem diameter reaches a size of 1.5 meters (m) to 2 m or after three months, special care is not required.
Areca trees begin to bear fruit from the age of four to eight years. Areca trees can continue to bear fruit until the age of 50 years, even up to 100 years. The areca tree bears fruit once a year. The areca nut tree, also known as the areca nut, takes 8 months to ripen.