This Discovery Changed my Life

in hive-152587 •  3 years ago 

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Recently, I read book by Napolion Hills that changed my perception about life generally! I came to realize that there's no limit to what a mind conscious person can actualize! He or she can do anything!

Everything is energy! It moves and vibrate. Everything we can see, this includes ourselves, the people around us, the chair you are sitting on while reading this post, the tall tree beside your window, everything!!!
Everything is in constant motion that they appear motionless. This isn't just a theory, it's a fact that has been scientifically proven!

If you put let's say an Iron rod on speed or vibration in a very dark room, at first when the movement is slowly, it will be noticeable by only one sense and that is TOUCH. When the vibration increases, it will let out a tiny sound, thus it is noticeable by two sense, TOUCH and SOUND. At about 32,000 vibration per Seconds, the sound will be loud and shrill.
But about 40,000 vibration per second, there will be silence and the rod's movement or vibration will not be perceived by TOUCH. It will be not be perceived by no ordinary human senses(I.e Eye,ear, skin which is Touch, nose).

At about 1,500,000 vibration per second, movement can be indicated first by temperature, and at 3,000,000 vibration per second, the rod begins to shed violet light which is visible to the human eye. When the vibration goes further, it shed ultra violet light and other radioactive radiation which only be seen using sophisticated instruments.

This is the same way the human mind works! Every thought vibrate, every thought radiate a signal and every thought attract a matching signal back! This thought vibration are invisible, but when your thought level becomes stronger and increases, so is the vibration and as the vibration increases, Your thoughts becomes REALITY!

This isn't just a fable guys, this is real! Whatever thought you having, good or bad is vibrating at a certain level, as this vibration continue, those thoughts will become Reality! So if your thoughts are always negative, you'll attract negative things to your life. This agrees with the Bible verse that says ''As man thinketh in his heart, so is he''.

In some part of India up to this day, some monk have been known to bend spoon by just looking at it. When asked how they made it happen, their response has always been '' I imagined it and it came true''

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