First of all we need to know what depression is and what its symptoms are. Then it has to be solved through treatment of depression. Treatment can be through personal care or psychiatric.
What is depression?
Severe depression for more than 14 days and more than 12 hours a day. Its definition varies based on different fields. Feelings of intense depression, lack of sleep, reluctance to do anything are some of the hallmarks of depression.
Symptoms of depression
Feeling tired or exhausted.
Lack of interest in anything.
Feeling scattered or having trouble concentrating.
The problem of anger.
Feeling worthless.
Sleep problems.
Thinking of suicide.
Excess or less appetite.
Weight loss or gain.
Repeatedly thinking about the past.
Depression Stress:
External stress - any strain.
Internal stress - perceptionism, emotion, sensitivity, anger, etc.
Mental Illness - GAD, OCD, Bipolar Mood Disorder, Eating
Treatment of depression
If a patient is suffering from depression despite not having any kind of stress, then his medicine needs to be taken. If there is any stress in life then counseling is effective.
To get out of depression, our life philosophy should be:
We will always think about the things we can control. Never think about uncontrolled things.
You always have to look at yourself. Understand your strengths and weaknesses. We will not judge others. Those who criticize others will criticize themselves first.
Things to do to reduce depression
We need to maintain a balance between the six pillars of our life.
We have to control our expectations according to the situation.
We should limit the use of social media and always try to follow positive things.
We will always try to be self-empathetic.
However, we cannot compromise during our sleep. We will try to follow a routine.
We have to practice talking to ourselves positively, we have to do visualization.
Outside of academic reading, you have to read story books, magazines and play sports.
The tendency to blame others must be stopped.
If necessary, take the help of others.
Moreover, you can read the book Overcoming Depression. I'm reading now. The best book on mental health in Bangladesh (in my opinion).
When to seek the help of someone with professional experience?
If behavioral changes do not work, we will seek the help of a psychiatrist or psychologist.