Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
Some dreams people see in their sleep and some dreams do not allow people to sleep.
People usually dream in their sleep. Dreams are the imaginary events that people experience subconsciously while they are asleep. And the dream that does not allow people to sleep is the desire to reach the highest peak of human success.
When a person dreams while sleeping, it seems real to him. Although his body is subconscious, he can understand the different effects of dreams. When he sees a happy dream or a good dream, his mind is filled with happiness, and when he sees a dream of sorrow or grief, his mind also gets that effect.
If someone is by his side while dreaming in his sleep, the person next to him will never understand whether he is dreaming or not.
In earlier times, if someone had a dream, he would go to the one who knew how to interpret the dream to know the interpretation of the dream. Especially when the kings had a dream they would try to find out the interpretation of that dream and reward those who could interpret it well.
There are some circumcisions after dreaming. If someone has a bad dream, he should not tell it to anyone, and when he wakes up in a dream, he should spit three times on the left side and pray to Allah Ta'ala in this way, O Allah, protect me from any bad thing in this dream. And if there is something good, give it to me. And if he has a good dream, he will be happy in his heart and will pray to Allah Ta'ala to get something good.
There is a lot of interesting information about dreams, you can get it only if you search by typing dreams in Google. There is no calculation of how many poems and songs have been written about dreams.
And the dream that does not let people sleep, this dream should be seen by all. Because people can never grow up without dreaming. A student should have a dream that he will be the best student. We can also call this dream the goal of life.
I will try to write about this another day inshaAllah.
I am finishing today in the hope that everyone will be well, healthy and safe.