🌷Helo dears all have a nice day🌷
Flowers are like by everyone.they are like by every age,every nation and every Gender. Here is no discrimnation or difference for the intrest of flowers .
Here are many kind of flowers in my courtyard
*Rose wich is most favourite by every one.it has many colors wich can'be mentioned here in this time.
*This is the flower called thohar in pakista.
It has much colors.
*This is kaneer. It looks very beautiful in my house....it also here many colors.
*This is another kaneer.it has yellow color.
*And this white one kaneer. Whenever i loook at them differnce of its color and harmoney of leaves creat a wonderful sight.they are found here with large quantity and kinds.i will write about any other time.
*This is the other exclusive flower in my houe its looks very fresh and charming its age is almost 3 weeks.it has only one color here.
*A dates plant is also here it has so many beautiful
Flowers and fruits on it.but fruits are not still ripened so we should wait to enjoy it.
*Special Thanks and
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