Jordan Peterson, you've said that men need to quote grow the hell up tell me why well because there's nothing uglier than an old infant there's nothing good about it people who don't grow up don't find the sort of meaning in their life that sustains them through difficult times and they are certain to encounter difficult times and they're left bitter and resentful and without purpose and adrift and hostile and resentful and vengeful and arrogant and deceitful and of no use to themselves and have no use to anyone else and no partner for a woman and there's nothing in it that's good. I mean that sounds pretty bad yes a crisis of masculinity I mean what do you do about it you help people understand why it's necessary and important for them to grow up and adopt responsibility why that isn't a shake your finger and get your act together sort of thing and then the question is but what are you leaving out if you're leaving out responsibility and the answer might be well maybe you're leaving out the meaning of life that's what it looks like to me it's like here you are suffering away what makes it worthwhile writes you.
It's almost impossible to describe how bad an idea that is a responsibility that's what gives life meaning it's more like a delineation of a kind of destiny that makes life worth living I've been telling young men but it's not I wasn't specifically aiming this message at young men, to begin with, it just kind of turned out that way and it's mostly you admit it's mostly men listening it is what I've been telling young men is that there's an actual reason why they need to grow up which is that they have something to offer you know that people have within them this capacity to set the world straight and that's necessary to manifest in the world and then also doing so is where you find the meaning that sustains you in life so what's wrong Oh God all sorts of things have gone wrong I don't think that young men are hearing words of encouragement and some of them never in their entire lives as far as. I can tell that's what they tell me and young men are starving for this sort of message which is like why in the world would they have to derive it from a lecture on YouTube now they're not being taught that they that it's important to develop yourself to get for the women they well what's the partner overgrown child or do you want someone to begin with its pretty helpful women know what they have to do men have to figure out what they have to and if they have nothing worth living for then they stay Peter Pan and why the hell not because the alternative to valued responsibility is an impulsive low-class pleasure all right that's what I think's going on at a deeper level with regards to men needing this direction a man has to decide that he's going to do something he has to decide to use oil women have some sort of duty to sort of help fix the crisis mastery which depends on what they want it's exactly how about like women want deeply want men who are competent and powerful and I don't need power in that they can exert tyrannical control over others that's not power that's just corruption power is competence and why in the world would you not want a competent partner you.