The average person spends over 30 hours a week on the internet every second your online Your behavior is being tracked and stored into a file that can be sold to companies trying to sell products to you Even when you're not online your phone is listening in this age of technology Privacy seems to be something of the past there is an illusion that the Internet is free But the fact is your personal information is worth a lot and you end up paying dearly for it in the end To most people the lack of privacy doesn't seem like a big deal. Constant surveillance goes hand-in-hand with the Internet only three percent of people who use Google Have read the terms and conditions that they agreed to there is a sentiment today that only bad people want privacy Only those with things to hide care about privacy But the fact of the matter is we all do things when we think were alone that we would never do out in public There are things we say to those that we trust in confidence that would mortify us if they got out When we're in a state where we are being monitored our behavior changes, there are plenty of social science experiments to back this up.
One of the most famous experiments was developed by an English philosopher named Jeremy Bentham in 1791 At the time prisons in England were overcrowded and there weren't enough guards to keep order So Bentham designed a new type of prison structure called the panopticon Which allowed all inmates to be observed at all times by a single guard in the panopticon prison? Every inmate was separated into a cell that faced inward towards one guard tower The guard in the tower sat in the dark and stared out through a tiny window which was covered with shutters So the guard could see out and no one could see in since the inmates could not see the guard in the tower it Created the illusion that they were being watched at all times This design had such a profound impact on the inmate's behavior that all riots and resistance ceased Just knowing that they were visible was enough to keep the inmates in line. In fact, for this to work, They didn't even need a guard in the tower. All it was needed was the fear of potentially being watched at all times Constant surveillance creates a prison in the mind The panopticon proved to be the ultimate.
Enforcer of obedience and compliance and the same principle has been carried over to schools Hospitals airports the workplace and now practically every public corner of society This is the exact reason you don't run a red light at 3 a.m. When there are no other cars around There's always the chance of a traffic camera watching so you obediently sit and wait for the light to turn green Constant surveillance has become the key means for control and Western society There's no need for public displays of brutality anymore It's no secret that we're being monitored while we're online the founder of Facebook Mark Zuckerberg said himself That privacy is no longer a social norm ironically. Mark Zuckerberg spent thirty million dollars buying all the houses surrounding his house so he could have more privacy The founders of major social media sites preach the privacy isn't a big deal Yet their actions contradict their words for they go to great lengths to protect their privacy So why is privacy important people need a place where they can go and be themselves without fear of judgment? We are by nature a social species But just as important as our need to be in solitude To have the ability to act in a way that does not conform to societal standards to think freely explore ideas Be creative or even be deceitful Otherwise everyone would be the same when we allow a society to exist in which we are subject to constant monitoring We allow the essence of human freedom to be severely crippled to those an authoritative power Anyone who poses a meaningful challenge to Authority must be stopped So essentially if you completely render yourself harmless and conforming in every way possible As someone who poses no threat whatsoever. Then you have nothing to worry about Here's a powerful quote from the 19th-century philosopher Rosa Luxemburg those who do not move do not notice their chains Maybe not today but someday you will want to explore an idea that does not conform to the ever-narrowing standards of society.