Currently, the level of internal network security/cyber security in Indonesia is being questioned due to hackers who managed to break into 10 Indonesian government ministries and institutions, including the official website of the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) Friday (10/9/2021). Media mentions that hackers used private ransomware, a blackmail device called Thanos.
This hack was also linked to espionage efforts in an effort to deal with the warming situation in the South China Sea. The Communication & Information System Security Research Center (CISSReC) cybersecurity agency created a threat actor profile) in response to this situation.
They found that Mustang Panda was a group of hackers who created a special private ransomware in order to access data and login credentials on PC devices. They send it to command and control (CNC), can even control the target operating system.
Thanos is reported to have 43 different configurations to trick firewalls and antiviruses into being very dangerous. Some asked Indonesia to immediately find out the motive behind the hacking, whether it was merely an existence or related to espionage between countries which was far more dangerous.
This fact reminds all parties that cyber security governance in Indonesia is still low. Can this situation provide an opportunity for blockchain to prove that it has a high level of security?
Cybersecurity sometimes relies heavily on third parties. We know that with blockchain one can send data, values and information instantly without relying on third parties.
Most people store data through storage called "cloud" with third party services. The impact of the increasing use of this centralized storage system is the birth of data hunters who make them the main target for hacking and data breaches which makes the security level even more vulnerable.
Another problem is that data is usually not encrypted during transmission so data can be intercepted during transmission from the user's computer to the cloud. Even if the data is encrypted, the encryption key is stored by the cloud service provider. This is also a data security risk factor. source.
Meanwhile, blockchain is not the same as "cloud". It is analogous to a digital ledger system with two main characteristics that are unique in its basic design: decentralization and security.
Decentralization is a concept in which every incoming data is immediately distributed, updated, and synchronized to all computers that are connected to each other and are not dependent on one centralized server as has been the case so far. Data is distributed to all computers in a network where only users on the network have access or control over the data.
When at any time a server falls, the data does not fall because it is still stored in other computer networks. In addition, blockchain has immunity, which protects data with cryptographic hashes.
Through it, data that has been encrypted and entered into the network cannot be modified or changed—bockchain will only record every new data addition and other changes. With the blockchain mechanism, hackers will find it difficult to penetrate because they have to deal with several servers that are not centralized, at one time which is technically almost impossible.
For example, if patient medical data is stored in a blockchain-based network, then the data will be stored on all computers connected to the network. Every information, every transaction, every user login is recorded, stored and confirmed by all parties involved. Opere citato.
Is this momentum for blockchain?