A sudden realization
A complete revelation,
A true confession
A define conclusion
A life freely given,
A God above in heaven
A destiny openly hidden,
a race more than certain,
A soul so full of promise,
a mind free to make choices,
A World full of voices,
A body destined for demise,
A truth out in the air,
A reaper so very near,
a demon we all fear,
A death uncertain but clear,
A love that fulfils our fantasy,
A lover that provides all ecstasy,
A life that leaves a legacy,
A desires we all hope we see,
A killer that lurks in the corner,
A penchant to amass and be owners,
A longing to be first and sole winners,
A blessing of life and days,
A secret to work and make hays,
A skill to shine like rays
A job that we hopes pays,
A trime to live and die,
A desire to be at the top on high,
A better life for which we vie.
written by @mreasy
special thanks to