Solving the given equation. | Using only elementary algebra and Pythagorean properties we are going to solve an elementary algebra problem.

in hive-152587 •  4 years ago 

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Personal presentation.

Hello everyone, receive a cordial greeting from me. I am a young apprentice mathematician, Venezuelan and an enthusiast of science in general. I am currently studying for a degree in mathematics, in which I am half way through my degree. On the other hand, I am currently doing research in the area of number theory at the University of Carabobo (UC).

Well, I will gladly be uploading content on mathematics, tips to improve your study performance and science in general.

I hope you will join me on the arduous but beautiful path of mathematics and science.

Today we are going to solve an IMO (International mathematics olympiad) level elementary algebra problem, which, although it looks complicated at first, you will realise that it is not. Moreover, to solve the equation that we are going to study, you only need to know basic concepts such as remarkable products, property of powers of equal base and trigonometric identities, so everything you need to solve the equation, I include it in the resolution of the same explicitly. I recommend that you pay close attention to the sections such as: "Note that:". This approach has the classic characteristic of everything IMO, it challenges you to come up with very creative solutions to mathematical problems, without the need to engage in deep mathematics. Well, without further ado, I'll show you how to solve this equation :) .

This time i solved the problem on my native language, the Spanish.

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The equation to solve.


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The handwritten solution(Spanish).

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Solution written on LaTex(Spanish).





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In case you missed something.








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The handwritten solution and the solution written in LaTex, both of which were done by me.

Origin of the problem.

This problem was formulated as part of the IMO 2014 programme.

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