Real Story Of AuntsteemCreated with Sketch.

in hive-152587 •  3 years ago  (edited)


During her pregnancy in
2018, she was diagnosed with gestational diabetes. She felt scared, lonely,
depressed, hopeless, and ashamed. She worried for her unborn child. She had to
do frequent finger sticks, give herself insulin, and take non-stress tests to
monitor the health of her baby. It basically consumed her life.


She continued to
have type 2 diabetes even after her baby was born and She
continued to gain weight. She was hungry no matter how much She ate. She had to
bring her insulin with her everywhere. She was confused at what to do, or not
do, to help her situation. She tried diets, dietary changes, cleanses, and
exercise. Nothing ever worked.

She experienced massive
blood sugar swings and she never felt right. she would go to work as a nurse,
and by the afternoon, her blood sugar would drop so far down that she would run
to the nourishment room and eat graham crackers and juice until she felt
"normal." she was always afraid that she would pass out when she
started feel the nervousness, fogginess, and visual disturbances that occurred
whenever her blood sugar dropped near 100.

She joined Diabetesfreedom in September of 2020. Her A1C right before
starting was 6.8, and average glucose was 148. I averaged 70 units of
fast-acting insulin before meals and 80 units of long-acting insulin at
bedtime. This is a lot of insulin! Two months Diabetesfreedom into her A1C was 6.1 and her average glucose was 128. The
day before she started Diabetes Freedom, they told me to reduce her insulin so
much that she thought  her blood sugar
was going to go through the roof, but it didn't, and it was all good from

Now She feel so much
better without the symptoms of hypo- and hyperglycemia. she have more energy,
less weight, and she can move better. she sleep better, wake up more energized,
and think more clearly. The pain in my back, legs and feet has improved and she
breathe more easily with the help of DIABETES FREEDOM

Someone out there is thinking about doing DiabetesFreedom, She would advise
them this is the easiest, best thing you can do for yourself. Click here link

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