Bireuen Education and Culture Office Holds Harvest Festival of Learning Outcomes of Leading Teachers.

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Bireuen Education and Culture Office Holds Harvest Festival of Learning Outcomes of Leading Teachers.

A total of 14 stands displayed various works, innovations of students and teachers of various levels of education in Bireuen at the Bireuen Education and Culture Office complex, Thursday, 12/5/2024 enlivened the harvest festival of learning outcomes of the 11th generation of leading teacher education program this year.

Each stand was decorated in such a way, displaying various works of students and teachers from various groups of teachers and students. The stands also introduced the results of the practices of leading teachers and leading schools in Bireuen.

The opening of the festival was enlivened by various dances including the performance of the Batee Kureng drumband group, State Junior High School (SMPN) 1 Bireuen, the command dance of students (Kindergarten) Kartika Kindergarten, the pantomime of State Elementary School (SDN) 12 Bireuen, the ranup lampuan dance of State Elementary School (SDN) 1 Bireuen.


Also performing were creative dances from Muhammadiyah Integrated Islamic Elementary School (SDIT) and ratoh jaroe dance from Bireuen 2 State Middle School (SMPN). Likok, rabbani wahid and rapai geleng dances, mendendang dances, vocal duet from Bireuen 1 State Middle School (SMPN).

Head of Bireuen Education and Culture Office, Muslim MSi said, the number of participants who took part in the festival was 90 people and nine booths.

In Bireuen, he said there were 29 driving schools consisting of 13 PAUD schools, 10 elementary schools and 6 junior high schools.

All booths were managed by driving teachers and five exhibition booths from Bireuen driving schools. Each booth displayed various innovations and practical results as a real form of contribution to improving the quality of education.


The purpose of the festival and workshop included introducing the good practices of driving teachers and driving schools, providing inspiration and motivation to the entire education community to continue to innovate in improving the quality of learning.

Acting Regent of Bireuen, Jalaluddin SH MH in his remarks, among others, said that the role of driving teachers and driving schools is not only to be the driving force of change in the world of education, but also agents of transformation that have a positive impact on society.

Education is not merely about transferring knowledge in the classroom, but also building character, a culture of innovation, and a sense of love for the nation.

Bireuen Regency, he said, as one of the regencies with a high spirit of education has shown its commitment to supporting various national programs, including the Merdeka Curriculum and the Pancasila Student Profile Strengthening Project (P5).

"I hope this program can facilitate the birth of learning leaders in schools, who not only educate, but also inspire. Developing the potential of students holistically through an approach that emphasizes diversity, independence, and the noble values ​​of our culture," he said.









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Curated by: @bossj23