Bireuen Government Holds Zikir & Tausyiah to Commemorate 20 Years of the Aceh Earthquake & Tsunami.

in hive-152587 •  last month 


Bireuen Government Holds Zikir & Tausyiah to Commemorate 20 Years of the Aceh Earthquake & Tsunami.

Thousands of Bireuen Regency residents were immersed in dhikr and prayers together on the 20th anniversary of the Aceh Tsunami tragedy, at the Sulthan Jeumpa Grand Mosque, Bireuen, Thursday (12/26/2024) morning.

The solemn event was attended by the Acting (Pj) Regent of Bireuen, Jalaluddin, SH, MM, along with elements of the Regional Leadership Coordination Forum (Forkopimda), government officials, TNI-Polri, village heads and people from various circles.

The dhikr and shalawat were led by Teungku Umar Ismail, S.Ag from Banda Aceh. He invited the audience to reflect on the greatness of Allah and ask for His forgiveness.


Meanwhile, Acting Regent Jalaluddin hopes that the community will make this commemoration a reminder of spiritual values ​​and solidarity. Through dhikr and religious lectures, said Jalaluddin, not only do we remember the tsunami, but we also remind ourselves to always be grateful to Allah.

"The tsunami taught us that life is full of uncertainty, but faith and patience will be the strength in facing life's tests," said Jalaluddin.

He also emphasized the importance of learning from past tragedies. This commemoration, he said, is not just about remembering, but also to strengthen disaster mitigation in the future.

"We learn from history to be better prepared to face similar possibilities," he added.


This event is a moment of deep reflection for the people of Aceh, as well as a reminder of the resilience and togetherness that grew in the midst of the tsunami tragedy. Through prayer, dhikr, and religious lectures, the spirit to continue to be grateful and maintain harmony in life is raised again as the main message.








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