My heart is completely broken, torn in two
Because this world has lost the real view
The wars we’re fighting between one another
Has no real meaning, sisters and brothers.
Life is not a competition to see who’s better
And this write will be another dead letter
But I must say why my hearts torn in two
So I can help mend all the souls of you
I would gladly give my life to bring peace
As it would give my soul a sense of release.
The wars, the hatred, completely erased
As we all begin living, equally raced
No bloodshed, no racism, all gone away.
The world would become a brighter day
All of our darkness, filled with a new light.
As we help one another and end the fight
The rich and the poor become equally paired
As all of our wealth is completely shared
What a great place this world could truly be
If only we started believing in life’s harmony
But life will never become a bed of roses
As greed, envy and pride always opposes.
I live each day with this pain in my heart
Knowing it will always remain torn apart
Only I can end the madness and the scream
By pretending this world is just a dream
Another piece of my art, displayed for you
As my heart remains broken, torn in two.