Life Matters, Clean content is Safe,
In that case there is no Disatisfaction Wave,
Things go Smoothly, They pass by Fine,
It is the same feeling like when the Sun Shines.
To be Original is Counted,
And by bad stolen content not to be Haunted,
To be free of Lies & Hipocrisy,
That is Really Easy.
Let's Stop Plagiarism Now,
I will tell You How,
Let's do the World better Place,
And show it's Real Face.
Photo help by Shutterstock
So, take a part in the Competition,
This is my Honest Petition,
Let's fight for Clean Content,
And win the Real Moment.
Now is the Right Time,
I will put one more Rhyme,
For the world to be Better,
It is Very important Matter.
Stop Plagiarism...
Check the Rules of the Competition and Apply for Reward
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= @lebey1