FUF UIN Ar-Raniry Holds National Seminar, Discussing Religious Radicalization.

in hive-152587 •  3 months ago 

FUF UIN Ar-Raniry Holds National Seminar, Discussing Religious Radicalization.

The Faculty of Ushuluddin and Philosophy (FUF) UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh held a National Student Seminar with the theme "Religious Radicalization: Identifying the Root Causes and Solutions", which took place in the 3rd Floor Hall of the UIN Ar-Raniry Postgraduate Building, Wednesday (5/6/ 2024).

This activity presented six main speakers, namely Fakhri Aly as Advisor to the Minister of National Development Planning/Head of Bapenas RI, Syamsul Rijal as Professor of Islamic Philosophy at UIN Ar-Raniry, Mohammed Jafar Fadhel Jaber Bani Lam from Al-Mustafa International University, Iran.

Next, Roslan Abdul Rahim from Sultan Azlanshah University Malaysia, Dwi Ruby Khalifah as Founder and Director of Aman Indonesia, Chair of the Asian Democracy Network, and Suraiya IT as a lecturer at FUF UIN Ar-Raniry.

In his speech, the Dean of FUF UIN Ar-Raniry, Salman Abdul Muttalib, assessed the importance of carrying out this activity as one of the steps initiated by the faculty to respond to the needs of the times, including religious radicalism.

"We will continue to carry out activities like this to address various issues and problems that occur in society in accordance with the needs of the times," he said.

Salman added that this seminar aims to contribute to broader efforts in countering radical ideologies and promoting a more peaceful and inclusive society.

Previously, the Chair of the Committee, Musdawati, in her report said that this was the third national seminar held by the faculty. He said that in 2024 there would be more participants.

"This activity was attended by hundreds of participants from dozens of campuses throughout Indonesia. "The committee also presented six main sources and 37 presenters who will present papers at this seminar," he said.

It is hoped that this seminar will provide a valuable opportunity for students, academics and practitioners to discuss the important issue of religious radicalization, by identifying the root causes and exploring comprehensive solutions.

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