I would love to share with the family various characters seen in the kitchen.
The kitchen is a place in the family where the food which the families eat is prepared.
Niche is the position or dwelling place of a group of people, objects, utensils.
However, A kitchen niche deals with group of people(chef and cook), utensils, ingredients, and foodstuff, that make up the total activities that exists in the kitchen.
I would love to share with the family the character of various people in our regular cusine.
Below are the characters of people in the kitchen and their activities as regards the kichen niche.
These are those group of people that are designed to taste the food so much so that you begin to wonder if they are eating or just tasting.
They would slice 16 pieces of plantain and taste 10 pieces ! It is really funny. These people exists in the kitchen niche.
These ones are the ones that are usually scared of hot oil or using electrical appliances, or the electric blender. They are likely to be displaying martial art skills if they are hurt by the hot oil. During frying activities.
These are part of the niche too. They are the ones that forgets their recipe or food on fire, or under heat till it burns and turns bad. If they are taskes with warming the egg sauce, it turns to burnt offering. Thanks for the sacrifice, the gods has accepted it.
These specialised ones cannot make a decent meal without going to scout for lectures on the youtube. Ordinary cereals and cornflakes preparation, they are all over the web searching for guidelines.
These ones are mainly concerned with taking pictures and videos of themselves, while the oppress the viewers with their tasty delicacies. We viewers start developing mouth watery mouths on food we would not eat.
These ones cook their delicacy for forbes rating standard. They would cook it so well that you cannot resist it. Ordinary noodles, they would cook it so well adding all relevant for major delicacies.
This is my first post in this community and I am hoping for support. This publication is original, I would love to be labelled soon thanks.