RE: "Let's talk!" №13 - "Does a woman need expensive gifts?" // "Давайте поговорим" №13 - "Нужно ли дарить женщине дорогие подарки?"

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"Let's talk!" №13 - "Does a woman need expensive gifts?" // "Давайте поговорим" №13 - "Нужно ли дарить женщине дорогие подарки?"

in hive-153018 •  2 years ago 

Good afternoon Everyone A woman doesn't need expensive gift to show she loves you. Truth be told, there are lots of ladies that just need expensive gifts for show up or competition with their friends. In the other hand God created women to receive.women are lovers of gift. Women should also know how their man is doing financially. For Instance; You cannot be dating a man that earn #50,000 per month and expecting him to get you a car or something above his monthly expenses because he needs to save. Even if you are dating a man that his monthly salary is #500,000 and trying to build up to buy you something above his monthly expenses.

what causes ladies to request for expensive gift

  • Comparism
  • Competition
  • For Show up

Advice to Ladies

If you have friends that all they do is to compete,Compare please leave such friends because they will not help you.If you have a friend that belittle you let go of such Friends. Learn to stand for your man even if your fellow friends men are giving them more gift than yours, you don't know what that friend is suffering in the secret.

Advice to men

Women were created to receive.we love receiving gift no matter how little.There is no love without giving. Any woman who loves you will appreciate your gift no matter how little

Dear ladies if your man doesn't give you gift please check the relationship.even if he doesn't have he must get you something little and also know when your man have and doesn't have

Thank you

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You've highlighted some important points. It's not all about the glamour but the genuiness. We all can be happy with the little we have if only we are contented. Thank you for your great input.

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